The Organizing Blog

Embracing (some) Clutter

Written by Heather Aiello | May 16, 2023 1:33:15 PM

Embracing (some) Clutter can actually be good for you...

When it comes to clutter, many of us strive for a perfectly organized and minimalist home. We dream of open spaces, clean surfaces, and everything neatly tucked away. While this may be ideal for some, it's important to recognize that having some clutter in your home is perfectly okay. In fact, a certain amount of clutter can be beneficial and even add character to your living space. The key to maintaining a harmonious living space is not the total elimination of clutter, but rather the careful distinction between beneficial and harmful clutter.  

Beneficial clutter is the type of stuff that brings you joy or serves a purpose in your life. It can be the collection of books that line your shelves, reflecting your love for literature and knowledge. It can be the art supplies scattered across your desk, waiting to be used for your next creative project. These items not only add personality to your home but also enhance your daily life by bringing you joy or enabling you to pursue your passions. 

On the other hand, there's harmful clutter, which consists of items that you don't use or love and only contribute to stress and unnecessary chaos. This type of clutter takes up valuable space, both physically and mentally. It might be the stack of old magazines that you never read, the pile of clothes you never wear, or the kitchen gadgets that are collecting dust in the back of your cabinets. These items can create a sense of overwhelm and make it difficult to find the things you truly need or cherish. 

To successfully navigate your clutter and decide what warrants a place in your home, you need to ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. Does the item serve a purpose or bring you joy? If the answer is yes, it's probably worth holding on to. An item that fulfills a specific function or elicits positive emotions is not just clutter—it’s a valuable part of your environment. 
  2. Do you have a designated spot for the item? It's crucial to have a particular place for each item in your home. This allows for easy storage and retrieval, helping to maintain order. If an item has a dedicated spot and can be easily put away when not in use, it might be worth keeping. 
  3. Is the item taking up unnecessary space? Evaluate whether an item is occupying more space than it's worth. If it's gobbling up a sizable chunk of your living area and you don't have enough room for it, it might be time to say goodbye. 
  4. Does the item add to your stress? Consider the emotional impact of each item. If an object is constantly in disarray or induces guilt because you're not utilizing it, it's likely contributing to your stress levels. In such cases, it might be healthier to let it go. 

The ultimate goal is not to create a sterile, clutter-free environment, but rather to surround yourself with items that you genuinely love. Clutter is not inherently bad. It's about finding a balance between what adds value and joy to your life and what only causes unnecessary stress and disorder. Surrounding yourself with the things you love and that serve a purpose in your life is key. By decluttering and letting go of harmful clutter, you can create a more peaceful and functional home that truly reflects your interests and personality. So, embrace the clutter that brings you joy and let go of the rest, and you'll find yourself in a space that nurtures your well-being and happiness.